Welcome to our affiliate program

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How It Works
Once you become a member of the program, you are supplied with a pack of banners, text links and other marketing materials that you can promote wherever you like. When users click on one of the links you placed, they will be directed to our online store and their activity will be tracked by our affiliate program. Each time such users complete a purchase, you earn commission!

Real-Time Statistics
The program membership ensures a twenty-for-hour access to your personal account equipped with real-time stats. Check your sales, traffic, account balance and see how your banners are performing.

Affiliate Account
Please create an account at our site and navigate to your account area once logged in. Then please accept the Terms & Conditions on the Affiliate Settings tab to participate in the affiliate programs.

Code Profiler (Memory usage: real - 193986560, emalloc - 190739520)
Timer Id Time Avg Cnt Emalloc RealMem
cache_frontend_create 0.013475 0.006737 2 1,983,224 0
magento 1.122880 1.122880 1 108,803,400 19,398,656
·  store.resolve 0.018048 0.018048 1 1,713,072 0
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·  EAV: Magento\Eav\Model\Config::getEntityType 0.000399 0.000399 1 44,664 0
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·  ·  ·  ·  EVENT:model_load_after 0.000129 0.000011 12 -3,336 0
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·  ·  ·  ·  EVENT:entity_manager_load_after 0.000044 0.000004 11 -2,888 0
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