GladiatorPLUS Pet
Die GladiatorPLUS Milieufütterung bietet eine in drei Jahrzehnten Laborforschung ideal aufeinander abgestimmte Kombination aus anerkannten Naturstoffen und physiologisch wertvollen Bestandteilen, die durch das Spezialverfahren in hoher Bioverfügbarkeit vorliegen. Sie werden in eine wasserlösliche und damit für die Aufnahme in den Organismus ideale Darreichungsform gebracht.
Das bedeutet: Die GladiatorPLUS Milieufütterung und ihre hochwertigen und hochenergetischen Inhaltsstoffe in Bioqualität kommen auch tatsächlich im Stoffwechsel deines Tieres an und können so in Verbindung mit einer artgerechten Haltung zu den gewünschten Fütterungserfolgen führen.
Die Lebensqualität und Gesundheit eines Tieres hängt ursächlich mit seiner Fütterung, Haltung und Bewegung zusammen. Eine besondere Rolle spielt dabei auch die Intaktheit und Aktivität der Darmflora. Ist diese geschädigt, bietet sie Krankheitserregern wie Bakterien und Viren eine ideale Eintrittspforte in den Organismus. Schon für Paracelsus galt der Darm als das Zentrum des Wohlbefindens, und auch die moderne Medizin hegt keinen Zweifel daran, dass er zu einem großen Teil für die Gesundheit verantwortlich ist: 80 Prozent des Immunsystems liegen im Darm. Das Darmmilieu kann mit Unterstützung von wertvollen natürlichen Substanzen konsequent gepflegt und so langfristig die gesundheitliche Stabilität und Leistungsfähigkeit des Tieres erhalten werden. Die GladiatorPLUS Milieufütterung ist in vielen Fällen ein zuverlässiger Begleiter in der Fütterung auch gerade dann, wenn gezielt Mangelzustände ausgeglichen werden sollen. Auf diese Weise stärken und vitalisieren die Inhaltsstoffe selbst bei kleinen hoch konzentrierten Mengen schnell und zuverlässig. Aufgrund seiner universellen Einsatzmöglichkeiten, seiner einfachen Fütterung und seiner guten Akzeptanz durch die Tiere wird die GladiatorPLUS Milieufütterung von Tierärzten und Therapeuten gerne empfohlen.
Bislang haben uns Tierbesitzer, Tierärzte und Therapeuten von keinerlei Negativwirkung nach der Fütterung von GladiatorPLUS berichtet. Sollte dir eine entsprechende Reaktion auffallen, informiere uns bitte umgehend. Bei eventuellen Überempfindlichkeiten oder bekannten Allergien gegen einen oder mehrere der im Futtermittel enthaltenen Inhaltsstoffe ziehe bitte vor einer Fütterung deinen Tierarzt oder Therapeuten zu Rate.
Unsere Intention war es von Anfang an, das bestmögliche – und nicht das günstigste Produkt zu kreieren und anzubieten. Alle Inhaltsstoffe werden deshalb ausschließlich in bester Lebensmittel- und Pharmaqualität bezogen und aufwändigen Reinigungsprozessen unterzogen, um beispielsweise eine Belastung mit Pestiziden auszuschließen.
Und nicht zuletzt hoffen wir auch, dich durch unsere Servicequalität zufrieden zu stellen. Unser Anliegen ist es über Gesundheitsthemen aufzuklären – auch über den Verkauf von GladiatorPLUS-Produkten hinaus.
Die GladiatorPLUS Milieufütterung enthält Ginseng, Propolis, Kurkuma, Rohlezithin, Rote Beete, Heidelbeere, Mariendistel, Artischocke, Dattelpaste, Kieselsäure.
GladiatorPLUS enthält über seine hochwertigen Pflanzenbestandteile Sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe in bester Qualität.
„GladiatorPLUS ist einzigartig auf dem Markt und bietet beste Qualität in einer sinnvollen Zusammenstellung.“, so Dr. Hans Martin Steingassner, Tierarzt.
Mit dem Ernährungsbericht der Bundesregierung wurde im Jahre 1996 offiziell bekannt, das sogenannte Sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe Bestandteil der Ernährung sein sollten, weil sie positiven Einfluss auf das gesamte Immunsystem haben und den Körper im Kampf gegen Infektionen mit Bakterien, Viren und Pilzen unterstützen.
The GladiatorPLUS Milieufeeding for Pets
The intelligent feeding concept for lasting vitality and enjoyment of life.
The Pet's body is awesome. In a complex interplay, he works every day to keep himself healthy and productive. The heroes in this system: a busy working group of organs, tissues and cells.
The problem: everyday stress. External influences can influence the body environment, the supply of nutrients and the body's own health. However, the employees of the organism can only perform optimally if the body is vital and unencumbered and the body milieu is in balance.
The body environment can be imagined like a backpack. Every living being wears it from birth. At some point the backpack is full and even the slightest additional negative impact can make it too heavy and maybe tear. The body feels the same, it can no longer compensate.
Help for self-help - with the milieufeeding. The idea of milieu feeding is to help the body in interaction with an optimal posture to empty the backpack itself again and again so that it does not become too heavy in the first place. The proven natural substances specifically support the organs that are important to health, so that the pet's body can keep itself healthy with the right feeding.
Small amount - great value
How can we support your animal?
Power from nature
- GinsengRoots of Chinese Medicine
Ginseng is a medicinal plant that is thousands of years old. In Chinese medicine, the root is considered a strengthening agent for the entire body. Among other things, the adaptogenic properties of ginseng, which is said to help the body to cope better with stress and numerous negative environmental influences, have been researched. Ginseng strengthens body and mind - for more vitality in all situations.
- PropolisBee Super Cloth
Far more than 100 ingredients have been identified in Propolis, including valuable amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and flavonoids. Especially in naturopathy, the super substance of the bees is used as a natural remedy against viruses, bacteria and fungi. A supporter of the immune system for more resistance!
- Silicic AcidElementary
Silicic acid is an important component of almost every cell in the body. If there is a lack of this elementary substance, this is particularly evident in the fast-growing cells such as skin, hair and horn. Silicic acid therefore supports hooves, skin and connective tissue and ensures a shiny coat.
- ArtichokeHard shell, healthy core
The artichoke was valued by the ancient Egyptians for its beneficial effects on digestion and the liver. Artichokes are also rich in minerals and valuable trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and manganese.
- Milk ThistleGuardian Angel of the Liver
Traditionally, milk thistle is used to support the liver and digestion. The silymarin contained in milk thistles is of particular importance. A plant made for natural detoxification!
- BeetrootThe Power Tuber
Beets are a true superfood. The deep red tuber is rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron as well as vitamins from the B group, vitamin C and folic acid. Valuable for digestion, cell strength and the immune system.
- BlueberrySmall but strong
The blueberry is rich in valuable antioxidants and, as a powerful radical scavenger, is valuable for the entire body.
- TurmericIndian Gold
Turmeric is indispensable in Ayurvedic medicine. Indian gold contains, among other things, curcumin, which is said to have anti-inflammatory properties. Digestive qualities are also attributed to turmeric.
Nature as source of strength
Ingredients that the body would choose itself
"A lot rarely helps a lot because the combination decides on the effectiveness ..."
Dr. Hans Martin Steingassner
Nature is an ingenious problem solver. It has a clear goal - to promote and preserve life. This power is in GladiatorPLUS. With propolis, ginseng, milk thistle, silica, beetroot and artichoke, GladiatorPLUS contains ingenious natural products of the highest quality, many times proven in practice. Another decisive factor is the combination of the special ingredients. This is well thought out down to the last detail and precisely dosed. GladiatorPLUS only contains what really makes sense. That is the best natural knowledge in a product.
Propolis suspension (12%), beetroot juice (equivalent to 80g/kg beetroot), artichoke juice (equivalent to 80g/kg artichoke), D-ribose, lecithin, additives: sensory additives: ginseng extract (10%), milk thistle extract (12%), blueberry tincture, turmeric root extract, natural apple aroma, technological additives: binding agent: silica (1.5%), stabilizer: gum arabic, analytical components: crude ash: 2%, crude fat: 0, 1% Crude protein: 0.2% Crude fiber: 0.3% Moisture: 77% Sodium: < 0.1%, phosphorus: < 0.1%, Calcium: 0.2%, Sugar-free: <0.4%
Shelf life: The use-by date is 2 years determined by the date of manufacture. The opened bottle should be used within approx. 3 months when stored in a cool and dark place, but not in the refrigerator.
Quality and Guarantee
100% tested and sustainable
GladiatorPLUS is produced in excellent food quality and regularly checked by an independent institute.
What makes GladiatorPLUS Milieufeeding unique
100% water soluble and highly bioavailable
The patented manufacturing process
Propolis, milk thistle and ginseng are not completely water-soluble in the "raw state" and therefore often remain ineffective in feeding. The patented GladiatorPLUS special process makes it possible to make these proven natural substances water-soluble and thus highly bioavailable. One speaks of a high bioavailability when ingredients go directly into the system and can be used by the body. It is not the amount of feeding that decides, but the amount that is absorbed by the body.
100% wasserlöslich und bioverfügbar
Use the GladiatorPLUS milieu feeding correctly
Instructions for use
Bring vitality to a new level
40-day intensive feeding
At the beginning (or after a longer break) GladiatorPLUS is fed daily as a 40-day intensive feed. The aim of these first 40 days is to keep the body environment of your pet animal in balance through environment feeding in connection with species-appropriate husbandry and feeding, to maintain intestinal health, to support the immune system and to accompany the natural body drainage.
If necessary: extend intensive feeding
If the desired feeding success has not yet been achieved after 40 days of intensive feeding, or if your pet has many or long-lasting nutritional problems, you can extend this phase by a further 10 to 40 days. We would be happy to advise you individually and free of charge.
Maintain health level permanently
Maintenance feeding 3 times a week
After intensive feeding, you feed GladiatorPLUS only 3 times a week - permanently throughout the year. The aim of maintenance feeding is to keep the body environment of your pet in balance and to maintain its natural health level with minimal, positive impulses in feeding and husbandry.
If necessary: load feeding
In the event of special challenges, we recommend that you feed your pet the GladiatorPLUS Milieu Feeding every day. We recommend a daily dose 5 days before to 5 days after the exercise. We would be happy to advise you individually and free of charge.
Feeding recommendation
Table with recommendations for your pet
Note: A change in feeding during pregnancy should be avoided. It therefore makes sense to start with GladiatorPLUS milieu feeding two to three months before pregnancy. You are welcome to start intensive feeding with the GladiatorPLUS Milieu Feeding after the young animals are born.
Note on the pipette: The pipette draws itself to approx. 1/3 full = 20 drops = 1ml. Warning: it is a glass pipette and animals must never be fed directly with it.
The recommended daily feeding amount is: see table and is ideally divided into two doses.
Animal species
Calculation formula
Maximum amount / day
Cat with beef intolerance
Body weight in kg x 0.8 ml = daily amount in ml
Puppy with beef intolerance
Body weight in kg x 0.6 ml = daily amount in ml
Body weight in kg x 1.5 drops = daily amount always round up to full drops (start drop by drop and gradually increase until the daily amount is reached)
5 drops |
Body weight in kg x 5 drops = daily amount always round up to full drops (start drop by drop and gradually increase until the daily amount is reached)
5 drops
Body weight in kg x 5 drops = daily amount always round up to full drops (start drop by drop and gradually increase until the daily amount is reached)
15 drops
per 20 g body weight = 1 drop daily amount always round up to full drops (start drop by drop and gradually increase until the daily amount is reached)
2 drops
per 60 g body weight = 1 drop daily amount always rounding up to full drops (start drop by drop and gradually increase until the daily amount is reached)
4 drops
Guinea pig
Body weight in kg x 0.6 drops = daily amount always round up to full drops (start drop by drop and gradually increase until the daily amount is reached)
2 drops
per 20 g body weight = 1 drop daily amount always round up to full drops (start drop by drop and gradually increase until the daily amount is reached)
2 drops